Dezine Zync

The personal blog of Nikhil Nigade

2025 W6: Recap

I’ve always personally maintained that sleep is the ultimate luxury for the living.

One of my bedroom kinks is to get a solid night’s worth of sleep.

Well, as the young folks would put it, “sleep ain’t sleepin” for me this week. I don’t feel burnt out, at least I don’t feel like it, but I feel tired and exhausted.

On the odd end, I’ve been waking up, very early, to the baby kicking me in my face for the past two days. That’s fun! 😄

I’m still discovering new things with the baby, no book, podcast, or blog post will prepare you for. This is one of them. Oh! And he seems to have begun his clingy phase, which further defers catching up on much needed rest.

I need to figure out some sort of priority scale for personal tasks when he’s involved in the equations.
